All Hands Newsletter

Summer of Excellence

SOE 21 01

The Summer of Excellence is DISA's way of celebrating its Core Value system. The very first Summer of Excellence kicked off in late June 2018. For seven weeks, company-wide festivities, contests, and community and customer service activities were organized each week, focusing on a different core value. Each Executive shared personal stories of team members who demonstrated the core values in weekly messages at the start of each week.

Since then, the Summer of Excellence at DISA has become an annual tradition, creating a growing sense of DISA Team spirit with each passing year. New team members are captivated by the overwhelming pride that permeates the company when they proudly wear their DISA Blues and come together to celebrate with one another. The event has helped DISA build its One Team, One Future, One DISA culture, and the leadership team is committed to continuing its efforts throughout the year to ensure DISA demonstrates the Be Excellent spirit all year. 

Core Value Weekly Themes
Week Core Value(s) Executive Sponsor
1 Find Balance Amber Dossey, CHRO & Colin Woods, CSO
2 Value Your Customer & Work Smart Vikas Vig, COO & Revell Fraser, CCSO
3 Do The Right Thing Mark Mayo, CFO & Raj Rajaram, CPO
4 Raise The Bar & Be A Team Gary Wiese, CRO & Thomas Hafner, AVP, Marketing
5 Be Excellent John Peterson, CEO
Find Balance CW SOE

Colin Woods - Chief Strategy Officer

This core value is essential for ensuring success personally and professionally. To Find Balance is to identify priorities and assign them the appropriate amount of focus. Focusing on your physical, mental, emotional, and professional well-being allows you to appreciate the wins" and work towards improving opportunities. Setting goals is a vital part of finding balance.

For example, at DISA, our goal-setting process is designed to document job-specific items as well as areas for professional development and evolution.

Having just watched the movie "Air" about Michael Jordan and Nike, I'll leave you with their classic motto:

"Work Hard. Play Hard."

Find Balance AD SOE

Amber Dossey - Chief Human Resources Officer

This week we kicked off DiSA's Summer of Excellence, where we engage in activities focused on our core values we start this year by spotlighting our Find Balance core value. This value means balancing customer and company weeds, quantity and quality of work, and all parts of our lives.

Find Balance means DISA gives us the autonomy and flexibility to manage our appropriate balance, juggling all that we have in our life in a way that works both personally and on behalf of DISA. We know that everyone has unique personal and professional circumstances and commitments. Whether spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing personal passions, caring for your physical and mental well-being, diving into a work project, or raising the bar with career development. We trust that you know what is best for you. At DISA we prioritize employees' well-being and balance because we believe that when you find that right balance, you bring your best self to work.

Find Balance doesn't mean simply working assigned hours or switching off your devices after business hours depending on our role, some may need to be available off-hours at least some of the time. Big work projects or busy times may sometimes require us to prioritize work over other activities, but sometimes personal commitments take priority we have the flexibility to manage our schedules and commitments accordingly.

We have a lot of balls that we juggle every day. Some of those balls, like your family and physical & mental wellness, are more fragile and valuable. These are likes glass balls that may shatter if you drop them. While work is important, it is more resilient and can bounce back like a rubber ball. While we never want to drop any balls, you must take extra care of your glass balls, as they are harder to recover if they fall.

I encourage you to prioritize finding your balance. Please take advantage of our resources and programs, such as the Virgin Pulse wellness program and Employee Assistance Program, to support your well-being. remember that we are here to support each of you. Together, we will create a workplace where excellence and balance go hand in hand

Thank you for your unwavering dedication, hard work, and commitment to our success. I am honored to be part of this incredible team.

Work Smart SOE

Vikas Vig - Chief Operating Officer

We can only really value our customers if we "work smart". These two core values go hand in hand.

But when working as a team with our customers, let's clarify what "work smart" means. Contrary to what it might sound like, "work smart" is not just about our intellectual capacity but also our ability to demonstrate "people smarts" in all interactions. In a context of a team and our customers, "work smart" simply refers to a person's common sense when dealing with people.

When we engage with our customers, "working smart" means using our emotional intelligence to understand and respond to their feelings. By paying attention to their needs, we can build more personal relationships, which helps strengthen bonds, improve customer loyalty, and enhance team dynamics.

"Working smart" means putting ourselves in the customers' shoes and empathizing with their needs, desires, and concerns. It's about making decisions as if the customer were next to us. This understanding allows us to offer tailored solutions and increase customer satisfaction.

"'Working Smart is also about being clear, transparent, and empathetic in communication with customers and teams. It is about not hesitating to ask the right questions, listening to others, and staying intently engaged in conversations. Some might refer to this as emotional intelligence, which isn't a bad comparison, but I think it's a little simpler than that. It's about making them feel heard and appreciated, which leads to better trust and credibility for our business and leaders.

Finally, "Working smart" is about being cooperative and respectful, while taking our customers' and employees' feedback seriously. It is not about finding a clever solution on our own but putting our hands up and asking for help from our leaders or additional stakeholders when appropriate. This mentality ensures that our customers and teams aren't waiting for decisions and is the only way to make them feel valued and improve their overall experience.

In conclusion, 'working smart' is being 'people smart It's the foundation for building trust with our colleagues and earning customer loyalty!

Value Customer SOE

Revell Fraser - Chief Client Support Officer

As we continue our journey through the Summer of Excellence, it's time to turn our spotlight on another integral part of our Core Values - "Value Your Customer." This principle guides us in our professional interactions and is a foundational block of our overall ethos at DISA.

While "Value Your Customer" may seem most applicable to our customer service teams, it is a philosophy everyone can embrace and apply regardless of our roles. Each interaction we have with our clients, no matter how small or indirect, shapes their experience with DISA.

Our customers are not just our business; they are our partners and the lifeblood of our company. Without them, there would be no DISA. A survey by PWC found that 73% of all people point to customer experience as an essential factor in their purchasing decisions, just behind price and product quality. An outstanding customer experience makes our clients feel valued and drives loyalty, service expansion, and recommendation of DISA to their peers, contributing directly to our success and growth.

Every task, every project, every call we make can make a difference in how our customers perceive and engage with us. So, ask yourself, "How does my role impact our customers? How can I add more value to them?" Even if your role doesn't interact with customers directly, remember that every task we perform contributes to the overall experience we deliver as a company.

In my tenure at DISA, I have seen firsthand how our dedication to customer service strengthens our relationships and sets us apart in the industry. Our pursuit of excellence in customer service does not go unnoticed. Each positive experience we provide fortifies DISA's reputation and contributes to our collective success.

I am proud of our team's passion and dedication to our customers. Let's continue putting them at the forefront of everything we do - making "Value Your Customer" a core value and our way of life at DISA.

Do The Right Thing SOE

Raj Rajaram - Chief Product Officer

This week we're discussing a core value that sets the ethical compass for our actions and decisions at DISA - "Doing the Right Thing."

The concept of "Doing the Right Thing," or moral integrity, is woven into the very fabric of our culture at DISA. It extends beyond business transactions and interactions, becoming a guiding principle that shapes our individual and collective character. C.S. Lewis famously said, "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." This sentiment perfectly encapsulates our commitment to this core value at DISA. Our integrity influences the quality of our relationships, the respect we earn, and the reputation we build in our industry.

Often, success is linked to tangible results and outcomes. Yet, the real essence of success lies in the morals we maintain, the ethics we adhere to, and the integrity we demonstrate. This commitment to ethical conduct leads to better products and services, cultivates a strong culture, and creates a positive work environment. It refines us as individuals and as a collective, making us better human beings and a stronger organization.

Ethisphere's Annual World's Most Ethical Companies list recognizes companies demonstrating exceptional ethical leadership. The annual report found that highly ranked companies on the list consistently outperformed comparable large-cap indices. This emphasizes the positive correlation between ethical practices and financial performance.

At DISA, "Doing the Right Thing" means treating everyone with respect and being honest and accountable. This ethos applies to our interactions with employees, customers, and the communities we serve. This principle shapes the DISA Difference - our commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and always doing what's right.

l am proud to be part of a team that upholds such a valuable core value. Let's continue to embody "Doing the Right Thing" in all our actions and decisions to maintain the DISA Difference that sets us apart.

Raise the Bar SOE

Gary Wiese - Chief Revenue Officer

As we continue our Summer of Excellence event, I'm thrilled to highlight the next in our line-up of Core Values "Raise the Bar".

These are exciting times for DISA. Change is all around us, and while it can bring discomfort, it also presents opportunities waiting to be seized. Focus on these opportunities and look to elevate your contributions to the company and yourself. The next chapter of DISA's success will be directly attributed to the accumulation of each individual's effort, and each of us makes a difference.

"Raise the Bar" doesn't always mean a massive shift in our routines. The small, incremental improvements we make every day stack up over time. Imagine if each of us made one extra call, assisted one more client, or crossed one additional task off our lists today. As we concentrate on these small improvements in the areas that matter most, we raise our personal standards and elevate DISA's collective standards.

With this in mind, I encourage you to reflect on the question, "How can I raise the bar in my daily tasks?" It may be by striving for higher quality results, delivering exceptional client service, or ensuring quicker ticket resolution. Each of us will have a unique answer to this, and bringing this improved mindset to DISA will collectively make a significant impact. If we all honestly address "How can I better serve our clients?" and act on it, we'll create a positive ripple effect throughout the company.

In my short time with DISA, everyone I've had the privilege of working with has been dedicated, intelligent, and highly motivated; each is striving to make DISA even more successful. Every interaction has fortified my conviction in the bright future that awaits DISA. If we each raise our personal bar, the cumulative impact will be immeasurable. Let's all RAISE THE BAR and set the stage for an incredible journey.

As we close this message, I'd like to leave you with a quote that resonates with our current theme: "We only get what we believe we deserve. Raise the bar, raise your standards, and you will receive a better outcome". - Joel Brown

Let's aspire to deserve more and achieve more together.

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment. I am genuinely proud to be a part of this dynamic team.

Be a Team SOE

Thomas Hafner - VP, Marketing

Having been with DISA for over five years now, I've had the privilege of witnessing our phenomenal growth. From adding new teams, acquisitions, and services, to increasing our collaborative abilities, we've come a long way as an organization. Today, I want to talk to you about a core value that has been instrumental to our journey thus far and will continue to be as we move forward - "Be a Team." 

Rapid growth comes with collaborative challenges, and in the early days, I witnessed teams responding to challenges that may not apply directly to them with, "That's not my problem." Today, I'm proud to report that the sentiment has dramatically changed to "Let's solve this together!" It's an evolution that reflects our commitment to collective problem-solving and a focus on mutual success. I've seen peers reach out to peers, coming together to find the right solution and implementing it as one unified force. This continued culture of collaboration, teamwork, and shared responsibility is essential for DISA to achieve $1 billion in revenue.  

We must always be mindful of our "Be a Team" core value to reach this milestone and continue our growth. Our DISA Directory ( is one of the many tools we've developed to foster communication and clarity in our rapidly growing organization. It is a dynamic, evolving resource to connect employees and help them find the right team or colleagues to solve unique challenges. 

In the words of the great industrialist Andrew Carnegie, "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." His words resonate with DISA's belief in the power of teamwork and collective achievements.  

Being a team isn't just about working together; it's about growing together. We must focus on our organizational objectives, work cross-functionally, and care for each other. Our collective strength and teamwork have brought us this far, and this same sense of unity will drive us toward our future goals. 

Thank you for being part of our team, embodying our core values, and playing an instrumental role in our shared success.

Be Excellent SOE

John Peterson - President, CEO

As I have previously mentioned, the Summer of Excellence is one of my favorite employee engagement initiatives. An annual occasion to honor and acknowledge the commitment, dedication, and camaraderie of those who exemplify our core values. This week, we highlight the guiding principle that empowers our journey at DISA - "Be Excellent."

The root word of excellence is the word excel, and to excel means to go beyond what is expected. I have been inspired and humbled by reading the "above and beyond" stories and spotlights. First, I appreciate all of you sharing your stories and illuminating those who impacted and inspired you. Second, we sincerely thank those who were highlighted for demonstrating and embodying the essence of our core values. You have my sincere admiration and gratitude for your extraordinary contributions. You define the DISA difference.

This year, our "Be Excellent" accolade extends to all of you for your willingness to embrace change because, without change, progress is impossible. Over the past year, DISA has experienced significant growth (almost 50%). We also began our global expansion with our first international acquisition earlier this month. As we continue to grow, win new and larger customers, and expand into new markets, our customer needs continue to evolve. Your cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork drive our ability to quickly adapt to meet/exceed these demands and expedite our progress. For example, our new organizational structure enhances alignment and will accelerate the delivery of innovative solutions and comprehensive services to support our customers.

As DISA continues to evolve, our ability to transform and adapt will determine our success and growth trajectory. Change is inevitable, but our commitment to setting the standard, leading the industry, and building a business for sustained success remains constant.

I am excited about our journey ahead. Our industry is at an inflection point, and our ability to deliver value and opportunity to disrupt is more significant than ever. Together, we will overcome challenges, celebrate successes, and relentlessly pursue excellence.

Thank you for embracing our core values and making DISA a company we can all be proud of.