All Hands Newsletter

Virgin Pulse

The Virgin Pulse app will be available to employees from GHRR in 2024! Get ready to step it up!

Wellness Mini-Breaks

Q2 23 Wellness

DISA presented its first-ever Wellness Mini-Breaks. Take time out for Y-O-U and unwind with us for just 10 minutes.😊

    • April 24th – Mini Meditation
    • April 26th – Your Thoughts & Emotions
    • April 28th – Finding Balance
    • May 2nd – Being Present
    • May 4th – Who Ya Gonna Call?

Login to Virgin Pulse > click on Benefits Tab (top banner) > click on  View All >  item #2 should be: Rethink Care:  Daily Mindfulness Training, click on Start Now

Virgin Pulse Q2 23


Pacific Crest Trail

The Wild West called! Our hike to the Pacific Crest Trail ran from May 23rd – May 27th.

In the rugged 2,650-mile hike from Mexico to Canada, we stopped at some of the most breathtaking sites, like the Columbia River Gorge and Sonora Pass! 

  • 5-person teams
  • 5-day challenge
  • 9,000 steps per day max/person
We had four First Place Winners with a perfect score of 225,000 total steps each!
Rank Team Name
1 Jersey Girls
1 Happy Trail
1 Holy Walkamolies
1 Quads of Fury

Hawaiian Islands

In this Hawaiian Islands Challenge, we enjoyed a tropical journey across the Hawaiian Islands - Maui, Oahu, the Big Island, Kauai, and Molokai.  Multiple teams joined us as we hiked, surfed, and hula'd to victory! Our challenge ran from June 24th – 28th.

  • 5-person teams
  • 5-day challenge
  • 10,000 steps per day max/person
We had four First Place Winners with a perfect score of 250,000 total steps each – wow!
Rank Team Name
1 Jersey Girls
1 Trails and Tribulations
1 10k ERY DAY
1 Happy Feet

Q2 Raffle Winners

We are delighted to announce the 5 Lucky Winners of our Virgin Pulse 2nd Quarter Raffle! Each winner received $300. 

(Net - as DISA covers the taxes so that winners receive the full amount on their next available paycheck) 

  • Katherine Sauer
  • Ann Drazba
  • Victoria Pollack
  • Erica White
  • Kathy Ripley

The DISA Wellness Program applies points for each employee's participation in the various challenges, activities, and awareness options, and points earned translate into raffle tickets that go into our quarterly drawings. Each quarter, 5 winners are drawn. The awards increase each quarter as follows: 1st Qtr. = $200, 2nd Qtr. = $300, 3rd Qtr. = $400 and 4th Qtr. = $500.