Workplace Violence: Keeping Our Employees Safe
Run, Hide, Fight! Violence in the workplace can take place with verbal harassment, physical encounters, intimidation or other disruptive behavior. The 2020 Bureau of Labor and Statistics reported that workplace violence continues to be on the rise in essentially all workplace sectors, however many workplace violence encounters go unreported. Reasons for not reporting may be intimidation, fear of retaliation, lack of training, lack of company procedures, or fear of being the department “snitch”. Employers and worker’s need to be educated on the signs and symptoms of workplace violence and be able to identify vulnerable populations that may be at increased risk for workplace violence situations. This presentation will focus on practical suggestions for employers to initiate to mitigate workplace violence, and tools to assess and implement within the workplace.
Hosted by:
⨠ Kim Olszewski, Former President, AAOHN, DISA
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