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Candidate Help Desk


Frequently Asked Questions

Please choose the category below that best describes how we can help you.

I submitted my background check but need to modify the data I provided or provide additional information.

I want to provide additional/supplemental information for my background (e.g., W2s, transcripts)
» View Instructions for submitting supplemental information

I want to edit my background check because I entered incorrect or incomplete information.
» Get guidance and review the next steps

My background check form auto-filled with someone else's information, and I have submitted the form.
» Get guidance and review the next steps

I need additional guidance on completing an in-process background check form.

I am completing my background check and have a question about what information to include on my form.
» Get guidance and review the next steps

I am completing my background check, and I see my name is incorrect. How do I provide my correct name?
» See how to edit your background check

I am completing my background check. Should I note in-progress education?
» Review education submission instructions

If I leave the portal while I am in the process of completing my background check, does my work save?
» View instructions on saving your progress

I received an "Invalid Signature" error.
» View signature instructions

I am having trouble accessing the website or logging into the background check form.

My link expired before I started the background check process.
» How to request a new invitation email

I did not receive a "verify your email address" email.
» View troubleshooting options

I did not receive an email invitation to log into the background check. How do I log on?
» View troubleshooting options

I cannot get the background check site to load on my computer. What do I do?
» View troubleshooting options

I would like additional information on the overall background screening process.

I logged out and do not know how to log back in.
You can login here:

I would like to check on the status of a background check that I previously submitted.
» How to check your status

I need help answering a question on the background check. Who should I contact?
» Get guidance and review the next steps

I would like a copy of my background check. How will I receive that?
» Request a copy of your background

I would like to check on the status of a background check that I previously submitted.
» How to check your status

I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
The password reset link can be found here:

Candidate Support

We're here to help you take the next step in your new career...

Welcome to our dedicated support page for background check applicants. We understand that navigating the background screening process can sometimes be challenging, and our mission is to ensure you have all the information you need to complete your application with ease. Whether you've encountered an issue with your submission, require assistance with an in-process form, or simply have questions about the process, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Our comprehensive resources cover a wide range of topics, including modifying submitted information, guidance on completing in-process forms, troubleshooting website and login issues, and providing general information on the overall background screening process. By offering detailed next steps and examples on how to resolve common concerns, we aim to streamline your experience and help you move forward confidently in your job application journey.

In addition to our support resources, if your issue requires more personalized attention, we encourage you to reach out to us or, when applicable, to your hiring manager. Please utilize the FAQ section above to identify the best point of contact or resolution for your specific inquiry.