
What happens if you fail a drug screen?

If one of your employees fails a drug screen and they are in a safety-sensitive position, they must be removed from duty immediately. If the employee is not in a safety-sensitive position, then disciplinary actions can vary based on company policy. Some employers offer Return-to-Duty testing which is given after an employee has violated a company’s drug and alcohol policy and gives the employee an opportunity to get healthy and return to work. Before returning to the company drug testing program, the employee must follow through with the Return-to-Duty process, which can vary by company and industry specifications. Some programs include an evaluation by a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), education and treatment programs, Follow-Up testing, and more. Contact your HR Representative for more information. Employees in a DISA mandated drug and alcohol testing program that are interested in going through DISA's 'return-to-duty' process can visit our Return To Duty (RTD) Drug Testing page.

Copies of test results may be obtained through several departments, depending on the results. For positive test results, please contact DISA’s Return-To-Duty department, or contact your MRO. For negative test results, please contact your company’s HR department.

Drug and Alcohol Testing related

Is alcohol detected in urine drug test?

Depending on industry requirements, employers can choose to screen for alcohol in their drug testing panel. Alcohol use can be detected in a urinalysis between 12-48 hours after consuming.

A recent case involving a major retail chain fired an Arizona employee for testing positive for marijuana despite the fact that they possessed a medical marijuana card and disclosed that information prior to taking a urinalysis. The company claimed that they were protected under the state’s Drug Testing of Employees Act, but the judge ruled that the company couldn’t prove if the employee was impaired at work. It’s advisable that employers do not terminate Arizona employees who hold a valid medical marijuana card based solely off of a positive marijuana drug test result. Companies’ should ensure that they provide employee education and reasonable suspicion training for managers, implement a medical disclosure policy, and establish a documentation process. If a terminated employee later sues for wrongful termination, this documentation and an established process, could be a deciding factor in your case.