
In Arizona can I fire an employee for testing positive for marijuana?

A recent case involving a major retail chain fired an Arizona employee for testing positive for marijuana despite the fact that they possessed a medical marijuana card and disclosed that information prior to taking a urinalysis. The company claimed that they were protected under the state’s Drug Testing of Employees Act, but the judge ruled that the company couldn’t prove if the employee was impaired at work. It’s advisable that employers do not terminate Arizona employees who hold a valid medical marijuana card based solely off of a positive marijuana drug test result. Companies’ should ensure that they provide employee education and reasonable suspicion training for managers, implement a medical disclosure policy, and establish a documentation process. If a terminated employee later sues for wrongful termination, this documentation and an established process, could be a deciding factor in your case.

An employer would follow the “accommodation” guidelines as indicated in their employment policy. The corporate HR group should assess whether or not efforts have been appropriate and should indicate when those efforts have been exhausted. Reasonable accommodations are changes made to accommodate a person’s disability, i.e., allowing someone to sit instead of stand, modifying work schedules, modifying work duties, placing an employee on leave until they complete all medication, etc.

Medical marijuana laws vary by state and it’s important that employers address the specific laws that pertain to their company and employees when creating a drug testing policy. Each state has its own system of medical marijuana laws, which may or may not include bills that provide explicit employment protections. For example, in California, legislation allows employers the right to terminate an employee who tests positive for marijuana, even if they hold a medical marijuana card.

In addition to state laws, employers must also address federal standards pertaining to  workers’ comp, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), unemployment benefits, drug-free workplace laws, and state handicap/discrimination laws. Even in states where legalized, the laws do not protect an employee that is impaired while at work, under the influence, or using on the job, especially when working in a safety-sensitive position. While a workplace drug test will detect THC, in most instances, the same test will not determine “impairment.” This is why documenting suspicious behavior and implementing manager training for reasonable suspicion and probable cause will help determine if an employee is impaired while on the job.

Oklahoma’s medical marijuana law prohibits an employer from refusing to hire, discipline, or penalize an applicant or employee based solely on a marijuana-positive drug test. Recently they passed legislation that creates an exception for positions involving safety-sensitive duties. This includes positions that involve duties that an employer reasonably believes could impact the health and safety of the employee or others. Examples of safety-sensitive positions include, but aren’t limited to, operating motor vehicles, equipment, machinery, or power tools, dispensing pharmaceuticals, direct patient or child care, or handling, packaging, processing, storing, disposing, or transporting hazardous materials, etc. Employers should establish which positions are safety-sensitive within their company and provide a clear and concise written drug testing policy abiding by Oklahoma medical marijuana laws. Once that’s complete and you share it with your employees, you should be in good shape!