
What is a drug and alcohol screening?

Drug and alcohol testing helps identify alcohol and both prescription and illegal drugs in an individual’s body. Drug and alcohol testing is a common practice for employers for pre-employment, as well as random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return-to-duty, follow-up drug testing, etc. Drug and alcohol testing can be conducted through a variety of testing methodologies, including oral-fluid, urinalysis, and hair, each offering a different window of detection which is especially beneficial when combined with two or more testing methodologies.

The employer’s responsibility is to explain that there is no exception (under DOT regulations) for the use of any product that presents as THC metabolites and exceeds set thresholds on a DOT drug screen. If it is non-DOT, they should refer to the company policy. If the policy accepts CBD oil, then that should be communicated.

Drug and Alcohol Testing related

What is a drug and alcohol screening?

Drug and alcohol testing helps identify alcohol and both prescription and illegal drugs in an individual’s body. Drug and alcohol testing is a common practice for employers for pre-employment, as well as random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return-to-duty, follow-up drug testing, etc. Drug and alcohol testing can be conducted through a variety of testing methodologies, including oral-fluid, urinalysis, and hair, each offering a different window of detection which is especially beneficial when combined with two or more testing methodologies.

On a hair test and oral fluid panel/test certificates, does CBD fall under cannabinoids?

YES – Currently, CBD is not listed as an independent substance on any testing panel. DISA drug test (urine, hair, saliva) will screen for THC or cannabinoids.