Who is exempt from the FMCSA Clearinghouse?
According to the FMCSA, “Drivers who perform only FTA-regulated safety-sensitive functions are exempt from Part 382, including the Clearinghouse requirements, as are their employers. These drivers and employers are subject only to the alcohol and/or controlled substances testing requirements of Part 655. On the other hand, FTA-regulated entities that employ drivers who also perform FMCSA-regulated safety-sensitive functions must comply with the relevant alcohol and/or controlled substances testing requirements of Part 382.”
How often am I required to pull an MVR on my CDL drivers?
Under FMCSA regulations, an employer must request a pre-hire MVR in all states where a CDL license was held within the previous 3-year period, and then annually as part of the employee’s annual review process.
Where exactly should we put our Spotted Lanternfly permit on our semi-tractor cab?
As of last year, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture no longer distributes stickers or window hangs, instead a paper permit must be kept in the vehicle at all times.
Are social security numbers (SSNs) required to run a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR)?
Requirements to run an MVR can vary by state and can include a SSN, Driver's license number, employee name, date of birth, etc.