DISA Global Solutions is only responsible for reporting background check results to your employer. Your employer or HR representative is responsible for reporting your background check status since th...
Background screenings can vary greatly depending on what is required of certain positions, industry standards, and state laws. DISA's products include:Criminal History Checks (Federal, State, and Coun...
Background screens (or checks) are a way for employers to verify information about an applicant and/or current employee, getting a comprehensive understanding of who they are to ensure they make a saf...
Background checks often include a criminal history search at a minimum. However, depending upon the nature of the job, for persons in more sensitive, high-level positions or those dealing with vulnera...
Depending on the scope of the search allowable by law or requested by an employer, records of convictions of a felony or misdemeanor are usually reported on a background check. Non-convictions may be ...