
On a hair test and oral fluid panel/test certificates, does CBD fall under cannabinoids?

On a hair test and oral fluid panel/test certificates, does CBD fall under cannabinoids?

YES – Currently, CBD is not listed as an independent substance on any testing panel. DISA drug test (urine, hair, saliva) will screen for THC or cannabinoids.

DISA's industry-leading vendor partners, combined with an extensive range of drug testing methodologies set our standards higher for customers. Our drug testing solutions offer expanded service offerings, cutting-edge technology, and a single-source solution for all your drug testing needs. By implementing a drug testing program with DISA, you'll find:

  1. Reduced employee healthcare costs
  2. Improvements in employee morale, productivity, and performance
  3. Decreased absenteeism, accidents, downtime, turnover, and theft
  4. Compliance with state or federal regulations
  5. Being able to identify and refer employees who have drug and/or alcohol problems
  6. Providing a safe workplace for employees

Copies of test results may be obtained through several departments, depending on the results. For positive test results, please contact DISA’s Return-To-Duty department, or contact your MRO. For negative test results, please contact your company’s HR department.