On a hair test and oral fluid panel/test certificates, does CBD fall under cannabinoids?
On a hair test and oral fluid panel/test certificates, does CBD fall under cannabinoids?
YES – Currently, CBD is not listed as an independent substance on any testing panel. DISA drug test (urine, hair, saliva) will screen for THC or cannabinoids.
Is there a method to determine fake urine was used in a urinalysis?
Our lab partners use the most advanced screening technology, including screening methods to detect synthetic urine, to ensure quality control measures are in place for donors who try and cheat on a drug test. For more information on fake urine products and their effects on drug tests, read our fake urine blog here: https://disa.com/blog/fake-urine-and-drug-test-abuse
How can an employee obtain a copy of their DISA drug test results?
Copies of test results may be obtained through several departments, depending on the results. For positive test results, please contact DISA’s Return-To-Duty department, or contact your MRO. For negative test results, please contact your company’s HR department.
How may an employer show themselves to have provided a "reasonable accommodation" to employees who have been directed by a physician to use CBD, even though such use may result in a positive drug test?
An employer would follow the “accommodation” guidelines as indicated in their employment policy. The corporate HR group should assess whether or not efforts have been appropriate and should indicate when those efforts have been exhausted. Reasonable accommodations are changes made to accommodate a person’s disability, i.e., allowing someone to sit instead of stand, modifying work schedules, modifying work duties, placing an employee on leave until they complete all medication, etc.