
What is an electronic chain of custody?

An electronic Custody and Control Form, also known as an eCCF, is an electronic version of the traditional document used for drug test ordering, specimen collection processing, and chain of custody documentation for workplace drug testing. ECCFs offer additional benefits, such as speeding up turnaround times by up to 25% and preventing common user errors associated with paper forms.

Medical marijuana laws vary by state and it’s important that employers address the specific laws that pertain to their company and employees when creating a drug testing policy. Each state has its own system of medical marijuana laws, which may or may not include bills that provide explicit employment protections. For example, in California, legislation allows employers the right to terminate an employee who tests positive for marijuana, even if they hold a medical marijuana card. For example: Imagine you have an employee who lives in Arizona but works in California, and the employee has a medical marijuana card in which they use in private. Arizona protects employees from discrimination while holding a medical marijuana card, but in California, an employer may fire employees who test positive for marijuana, even if the use was off-duty and for a medical condition with a valid medical marijuana card. To avoid litigation in this scenario, it would be advisable to treat this employee based on Arizona laws.

It is pertinent for you, as an employer, to have a policy in place for when this occurs and to follow each states' medical marijuana laws accordingly.

You will need to contact your contract employer for the specific owner’s procedure for obtaining a waiver or exemption.

YES - All drug testing policies have a testing “panel.” Testing panels consist of substances and level thresholds (limit of detection). DISA offers policies with customized panels, in addition to policies that require standard/regulated panels. (Please note, all DOT and some safety-sensitive, non-DOT drug testing programs have mandatory testing panels)