Why is the candidate's consent required to run a background check?
According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) § 604 – 15 U.S.C. § 1681b, employers are required to provide applicants with a separate written disclosure, which advises that a consumer report may be obtained for employment purposes. The document must consist solely of the disclosure as a stand-alone document. Additionally, the employer also must obtain the applicant’s written consent to order the background check.
Are driving records included in a background check?
Yes, driving records can be included in a background check. This product verifies current driving history from the Department of Motor Vehicles; it may report arrests/convictions/suspensions for speeding and driving while intoxicated, which may indicate a history of reckless behavior.
Do I Need a Sticker for Spotted Lanternfly Permit?
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture no longer distributes stickers or window hangs, instead a paper permit must be kept in the vehicle at all times.
Are credit reports included in a background check?
A credit report is sourced at one of the three major credit bureaus. A credit report can reveal if an applicant has lived at a particular address or addresses for a length of time and can be an indicator of how responsibly he/she has handled personal financial affairs. In some states, this product can only be used for certain positions, such as fiduciary or executive management positions, or for certain regulated employers. Note, no credit score is provided on the credit report for employment purposes. State and local laws restrict when a credit report can be obtained for employment purposes.