
How do I obtain a waiver or exemption to gain access to an owner site?

You will need to contact your contract employer for the specific owner’s procedure for obtaining a waiver or exemption.

An employer would follow the “accommodation” guidelines as indicated in their employment policy. The corporate HR group should assess whether or not efforts have been appropriate and should indicate when those efforts have been exhausted. Reasonable accommodations are changes made to accommodate a person’s disability, i.e., allowing someone to sit instead of stand, modifying work schedules, modifying work duties, placing an employee on leave until they complete all medication, etc.

Drug and Alcohol Testing related

What happens if you fail a drug screen?

If one of your employees fails a drug screen and they are in a safety-sensitive position, they must be removed from duty immediately. If the employee is not in a safety-sensitive position, then disciplinary actions can vary based on company policy. Some employers offer Return-to-Duty testing which is given after an employee has violated a company’s drug and alcohol policy and gives the employee an opportunity to get healthy and return to work. Before returning to the company drug testing program, the employee must follow through with the Return-to-Duty process, which can vary by company and industry specifications. Some programs include an evaluation by a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), education and treatment programs, Follow-Up testing, and more. Contact your HR Representative for more information. Employees in a DISA mandated drug and alcohol testing program that are interested in going through DISA's 'return-to-duty' process can visit our Return To Duty (RTD) Drug Testing page.

Drug and Alcohol Testing related

Can DISA report to the Clearinghouse for me?

Employers must designate DISA as their C/TPA in the Clearinghouse and let us know they want us to report on their behalf so we can update their settings in DISAWorks.