Is $1,000 Worth Asking Two Simple Questions?

DISA’s Referral program historically pays out more than $50,000 a year to DISA employees who identified possible customers and referred them to the sales team. Top referrers have generated an extra $1,000+ in their paychecks through referrals. Learn how below!

How Do Referrals Work?

Often with just 1 or 2 questions, you can identify if a customer could benefit from additional lines of service, and then it’s as easy as passing their contact info to a salesperson to follow up!

Here’s a typical scenario:

  • DISA Employee “I see you don’t utilize DISA for background check. Do you conduct background check at your company?”
  • Customer “Yeah, we use Competitor X for that. They’re a pain to work with, though. I didn’t realize DISA did background check!”
  • DISA Employee “We certainly do! Would you be okay if I had someone reach out with more information?”
  • Customer “Yeah, I’ve been looking for a way to get away from Competitor X…”

It’s an easy way to earn a few hundred dollars, and you may already be having these conversations, so get started with referrals today!

Which Leads Qualify for Referrals?

If you identify a new opportunity and sales convert the opportunity into a sale, you’ll be paid out quarterly based on the type of service, number of new policies, and the number of employees in the program.

The following numbers are for each new policy generated by your referral. It’s not uncommon, especially with referrals for new customers, that they may sign up for multiple policies. For example, if a new referral created a corporate drug testing program, a corporate background check program, and joined a non-mandated consortium policy, you would receive three referral bonuses.

Drug Testing, Backgrounds, OMRT, DQ Programs, and Driver Monitoring
# of Employees in the ProgramReferral Bonus Value
25 – 150 Employees$75
151 – 500 Employees$150
501 – 1,000 Employees$300
1,001 – 5,000 Employees$600
More than 5,000 Employees$1,200
Driver Monitoring, Vehicle Tax Services, or Hours of Service Audit Work
# of Employees or Trucks in the ProgramReferral Bonus Value
25 – 100 Employees$75
101 – 250 Employees$150
251 – 500 Employees$300
501 – 1,000 Employees$600
More than 1,000 Employees$1,200

Incremental Bonuses

DISA will pay an additional $300 for every 5th referral bonus in a quarter. These bonuses stack, so if you have 10 total commissionable referrals in a single quarter, you will receive an additional $600 bonus at the end of the quarter!

New Owner Bonuses

If you introduce a new facility owner and that owner mandates DISA for a policy, you’ll receive $1,000 per new mandated policy! That means a new referral owner who creates mandated policies for hair testing, oral testing, and background checks would pay out $3,000!

Although these are less frequent, we pay out this bonus every year to a few individuals who ask the right questions to the right people.

Note: Small owners (<150) not classified as Startups due to lack of future growth are not commissionable.

Owner Facilities
# of Contractor Employees Currently OnsiteNotes
Start-up - <151 contractor employees currently on site, but expecting 151+ over next 12 months$1,000 per mandated DCC policy or program
Medium - 151-500 contractor employees currently on site$1,500 per mandated DCC policy or program
Large - 501+ contractor employees currently on site$2,000 per mandated DCC policy or program

How do I submit a new referral?

Referrals should be submitted via the form below. This will log the submission inside of salesforce, ensuring the best tracking. If you’ve worked with a specific salesperson in the past, and want to do so again, you’re welcome to work directly with them. Sales will follow back up with you whether the lead converts or not to keep you informed throughout the process.

Sales Contact Info

If you’ve sent over referrals and don’t feel like you’re receiving updates or being communicated to, please feel free to reach out to Brendon Brown.

DISA Employee Information

Prospect Company Information