Did you know that DISA provides fuel tax recovery and refund services?
DISA’s Transportation Compliance (DTC) team can help identify areas of tax-exempt fuel use and apply for refunds to get your money back. Our professionals help carriers to pay the legal minimum amount of tax owed while also staying on top of any changes and requirements to properly file claims at either the state or federal level.
Areas of refund possibilities on tax paid fuel may include:
- Reefer fuel refunds – fuel used to refrigerate trailers from an auxiliary tank
- PTO fuel refunds – fuel used from the primary tank to pump off product with the PTO engaged
- Regeneration fuel – fuel used for the cleaning or regeneration of a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) - an after-treatment system for exhaust generated by the propulsion of the motor of the tractor and is unnecessary for the operation of the tractor.
Our DTC team of specialists are experts in their fields and provide the knowledge and skills to help carriers remain educated in the latest laws and regulations. As a result, more than 95 percent of the carriers and operators who use the DTC for recovery and planning uncover a reduction in their tax obligations.
More than 95 percent of the carriers and operators who use the DTC for recovery and planning uncover a reduction in their tax obligations.

Other DTC Tax Recovery Services:
- Federal Excise Tax refunds (Form 2290)
- FTA fuel tax re-process and Amendments
- A thorough review of all tax-related documents, not just your tax returns
- Tax planning to prevent future overpayments
- Processing of road tax refund claims
By utilizing our fuel tax recovery and refund services, carriers can ensure they’re meeting the minimum tax owed while also getting the money back that they’re entitled to. For more information on our DTC team and fuel tax recovery and refund services, contact us today!