Look at the summary page to see if they have any services that can be STREAMLINED with DISA to be a ONE-STOP-SHOP for all their employee screening needs.


  • They have consortium drug testing (ex. DCCHA, DCCHT) but no backgrounds.
  • They have DOT policies with no backgrounds.
  • They have mandated consortium backgrounds done but no corporate backgrounds/packages.
  • They have consortium drug testing but no corporate policies.
  • They have backgrounds only account. No drug testing or any other service.
  • They have an FMCSA policy with us but no DQ files, background, or training (These are services mandated by the Department of Transportation (DOT)). So, these are the services they are required to have by law but do not necessarily have to be done through DISA (This is where you come in and speak about STREAMLINING services). $$$$ in your pocket.

The key is to look at the summary page and find the missing pieces (see below). The more you know about DISA and our services, the more ammo you will have to identify other opportunities and put money in your pocket.

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Look for missing pieces and possible opportunities

Drug Testing

Eligible Referrals: Corporate Policy, DOT Policy, and NASAP (in certain cases) (25+ employees)

Example: The client has any consortium policy but no corporate policy. Question to ask: Did you know that DISA can also manage corporate programs for your own internal usage?

Example: The client has corporate and/or consortium, but no DOT policy Question to ask: Does your company have DOT-regulated employees?

Background Checks

Corporate background checks (all the time) and consortium (in certain cases) (25+ employees)

Example: The client has drug testing but no background services on their account. Question to ask: Does your company conduct background checks on your employees?

Example: The client tells you that they only run background checks for job site access through DISA. Question to ask: What about the employees that don’t go on to job sites? Do you background check them, or are you interested in doing so?

Driver Qualification

DQ File Management: 100% referable!!!!!! (25+ employees)

Example: The client has FMCSA policy but does not have DQ file services? Question to ask: Did you know that DISA offers electronic Driver Qualification file services? Question to ask: Are you aware that DISA can assist in the management of your full DOT program?