We all have an opinion on what it means to be a “team player”, right?  I would say most in the corporate world have a “gut feel” for what that means.  We often say things like, “we’ve got each other’s back”, or “everyone pulls their own weight”, or even “I know I can count on them when the going gets rough”.

There’s actually a great article on Indeed by the editorial team that lays out the 6 components:

1. You understand your role
As a team member, you understand your role within the team and work to achieve your duties to the best of your ability. Though you may offer help or solutions to other team members, you also respect the boundaries of your position.

2. You welcome collaboration
Working with a team means there will be varying opinions and ideas. Even if you think your idea is best, you should listen to all ideas before pushing yours. Search for compromises and remain respectful if your work is criticized.

3. You hold yourself accountable
Take responsibility for your mistakes and look for solutions. Understand how your actions impact the entire group. In doing so, you will learn from your errors and command more respect from your team.

4. You are flexible
You should readily accept any tasks your manager gives you. Flexibility in your role allows you to learn more and help your team. Look at every opportunity as a chance to learn.

5. You have a positive attitude
Maintaining a positive attitude even during stressful times helps the rest of your teamwork through that difficult time without getting upset. Your positive attitude will create a better atmosphere.

6. You commit to the team
You should be fully invested in the team. You will be a great team player if you can show others that you believe in the group, the process and the goals. This sort of positivity can radically increase morale and productivity.

I’d also like to share a story from a leader in my team, Dave Alexander - Manager of DTC Customer Service.

Here’s what Dave had to say:

“DISA Transportation Compliance Customer Service. DTC CS! The POD! Dream Team!
"This is a newly constructed customer service team; mostly built of members from several acquisitions from coast to coast. This new team embodies collaboration and trust. Through varied knowledge sets and experiences, the team members have come together with a single goal in mind – creating a singular, positive customer experience for all DTC customers. The assembly of talented staff members share their expertise and skills in a real-time manner to ensure customer satisfaction. Additionally, collective efforts are used to construct educational tools for departmental sustainability and continuity. The team motto, “Together Everyone Achieves More” has become a fundamental value!"