
Benefits for Contractors

Benefits for Contractors

DISA’s Contractor’s Consortium (DCC) benefits both owners and contractors alike. Our unique program makes it easy for contractors to maintain compliance with their employment screening programs, saving time and money. With millions of employee records and over 25,000 participating companies, the DCC is the largest, most diversified contractor compliance program of its kind.

Expanded, Quicker Site Access

DISA helps to simplify the need for a unique policy for each owner site you visit into a few similar policies that apply and grant you access to multiple sites. When you join the DISA Contractor Consortium, your organization could gain additional access to facilities all over the US.

As a result of our reciprocal requirements across sites, if your employee has met the requirements of one facility and another one has similar or less strict requirements, your employee may be able to immediately go on site instead of waiting for a new drug test or background check to complete.

Reduce Redundant Testing

The DCC reduces redundant testing, especially for contractors that work on multiple sites. Instead of being in separate random testing pools for each site’s unique policy, contractors are compliant by participating in one nationally standardized random pool. Not only does this decrease testing needs, but it keeps your employees working on-site, reducing any disruption in your day-to-day operations.  

Example Scenario:

John Doe does work at four different facilities, each with separate programs and a 50% random drug and alcohol testing rate. John will get pulled on average for two drug and alcohol tests each year. If all four sites were in the DCC, he would average just one test every two years.

4 Programs x 50% random rate annually = 2 tests every 1 year

1 National Program x 50% random rate annually = 1 test every 2 years

In 2021, contractors saved more than $28 million in testing fees because owner sites used the DCC. Those contractors are also leaving the job site less often, and more available as a result of the lower testing frequency.

Saves Time and Money

The DCC offers a unique insight into employment screening program management, helping employers save time and money. The reduction in redundant testing alone has saved contractors over $28.8 million annually. This is achieved by preventing contractors from running a new background screen or drug and alcohol test on an employee who will not be eligible for the consortium based on a current ineligible status in the consortium.

Additional benefits of the DCC for contractors include:

  • Reduces redundant testing and screening requirements

  • Real-time compliance tracking

  • Expedited onboarding process

  • Eliminates industry-wide job-hopping problem

  • Creates mobile workforce

  • Deters illicit substance abuse

  • Increases workplace safety

Get More Information About Adding your Site to the DISA Contractor Consortium