Day with DISA Returns for 2022

DWD Virtual Perks

For the fourth year, DISA Global Solutions’ Day with DISA conference will be returning! From January 24-27, 2022, join one of the largest employee screening events in the U.S., covering topics from drug and alcohol testing to occupational health, background check, energy owners/operators, and more! To allow as many participants to attend while also ensuring safety, Day with DISA will once again be held in the same online format as our last event.

Start your year off right with employee screening guidance from industry-leading experts! Digital Day with DISA has four days of presentations lined up from recognized industry experts packed with information regarding the rapidly changing employee screening industry. Last year's Day with DISA sessions were attended by more than 3,500 HR & Safety employees across several safety-sensitive industries, and with another year in our digital format, we expect just as many!

Who Should Attend?

When surveyed, 99% of attendees from 2020’s event said that they plan on attending again! Our sessions are catered to attendees from a wide variety of safety-sensitive industries, such as Oil & Gas, Transportation, Chemical, HR & Safety, as well as:

    Employees who are responsible for ensuring safety at their workplace or facility.

    Employers who are impacted by new or pending employee screening legislation.

    Employers who are looking to build a culture of safety in their workplace.

    Anyone wanting to learn about drug testing, background check, & DOT compliance.

    Anyone that would benefit from hearing about the latest employee screening trends.

Benefits of Virtual

As we continue to navigate the complexities of COVID-19, we want to ensure our attendees remain safe. By using a digital format, we’re able to expand our sessions from one day to four and allow a much larger guest list. Since 2020’s Digital Day with DISA event was such as success, we’re anticipating similar benefits and results, including:

    Free to attend! No Travel, Registration, or Hotel Costs - This digital event is truly free, and there are no hidden costs to attend.

    Live Q&A During the Events – Get more time with our session hosts as they’re available to answer questions after their presentation!

    Flexible Scheduling! - Every year, we have attendees that couldn’t pick between two running at the same time. This year you don’t have to!

    Staying Safe and Healthy – DISA is working to ensure you get the same informative experience virtually, as you would from our traditional event.

About DISA Global Solutions

Founded in 1986, DISA is the industry-leading provider of employee screening and compliance services. Headquartered in Houston, with more than 35 offices throughout the U.S. and Canada, DISA’s comprehensive scope of services includes drug and alcohol testing, background check, occupational health, and transportation compliance. DISA assists employers in making informed staffing decisions while building a culture of safety in their workplace.

DISA Global Solutions aims to provide accurate and informative content for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The reader retains full responsibility for the use of the information contained herein. Always consult with a professional or legal expert.