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Fentanyl Use and Testing Methods – Common Questions and Answers
The world of illicit drugs has seen a shift largely driven by the emergence of fentanyl. Allen Johnson, VP of Marketing, Psychemedics, recently presented a webinar for DISA covering the essential information about fentanyl followed by Q&A with attendees. Here are some of the most common questions Allen sees on the topic.
Ohio Legalizes Recreational Cannabis
On November 7, 2023, Ohio voters passed Ohio Issue 2, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (Issue 2), legalizing recreational cannabis in the state. Issue 2 is a voter initiative, meaning that the legislature may still choose to adjust or, in rare cases, even repeal the initiative.
Important Changes to DOT’s DAMIS Submission Process
Beginning January 1, 2024, access to the DOT’s drug and alcohol MIS (DAMIS) will transition to As part of the transition, requires multifactor authentication, which removes the ability for TPAs to submit this content for customers. Submissions must now be completed by the DOT-regulated employers themselves.