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Oral Fluid Drug Testing Laws by State

Oral Fluid laws are inconsistent across all 50 states, making things a bit confusing at times

How Long Does an Employee Background Check Take?

In the fast-paced sector of talent acquisition, hiring managers and HR professionals are often caught in a race against time to secure the best candidates for their organizations. One of the pivotal yet unpredictable stages in this process is the execution of background checks, designed to safeguard the company by confirming the credibility and suitability of potential hires. Timelines in recruitment are notoriously tight and unpredictable, with every stage of the process demanding swift and decisive action. Understanding the duration of background checks, therefore, becomes imperative for these professionals to navigate through the hiring maze efficiently and effectively.

Fentanyl Rising – How HR Can Address the Growing Threat

The world of illicit drugs has seen a shift largely driven by the emergence of fentanyl. This blog will guide you through the myths and truths surrounding fentanyl and testing methods that will appropriately find fentanyl. Allen Johnson, VP of Marketing, Psychemedics, recently presented a webinar for DISA covering the essential and need-to-know information about fentanyl.  Here’s a summary of everything he discussed.

DISA Global Solutions Achieves PBSA Accreditation

DISA Global Solutions is excited to share a remarkable achievement with our clients and partners: the successful completion of the 3-year interim surveillance audit under the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA). This milestone is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence, compliance, and the highest professional standards in the background screening industry.

Fentanyl Use and Testing Methods – Common Questions and Answers

The world of illicit drugs has seen a shift largely driven by the emergence of fentanyl. Allen Johnson, VP of Marketing, Psychemedics, recently presented a webinar for DISA covering the essential information about fentanyl followed by Q&A with attendees. Here are some of the most common questions Allen sees on the topic.

Ohio Legalizes Recreational Cannabis

On November 7, 2023, Ohio voters passed Ohio Issue 2, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (Issue 2), legalizing recreational cannabis in the state. Issue 2 is a voter initiative, meaning that the legislature may still choose to adjust or, in rare cases, even repeal the initiative.

Important Changes to DOT’s DAMIS Submission Process

Beginning January 1, 2024, access to the DOT’s drug and alcohol MIS (DAMIS) will transition to As part of the transition, requires multifactor authentication, which removes the ability for TPAs to submit this content for customers. Submissions must now be completed by the DOT-regulated employers themselves.