Day with DISA Speakers: Get to know these Industry Leading Experts

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Day with DISA is back for 2022, and with another impressive lineup of subject matter experts. Since 2018, DISA Global Solutions has held Day with DISA, one of the largest employee screening events in the U.S. This year will feature four days of digital sessions presented by industry-leading professionals covering topics from drug and alcohol testing to occupational health, background check, transportation compliance, and more!

Each year, in addition to DISA presenters, a number of talented experts participate and give an in-depth look into industry trends/challenges, laws and regulations, and more. Below is a list of industry experts participating in this year’s conference. We greatly appreciate them sharing their time and expertise with attendees.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

    Faye Caldwell, Legal Advisor & Litigator - Caldwell Everson PLLC

Join Faye as she presents, Marijuana: Laws and Strategies, with an in-depth legal analysis of the current state of the drug testing industry and the state of marijuana legalization.

    Dr. David Kuntz, Executive Director of Analytical Toxicology - Clinical Reference Laboratory

Join Dr. Kuntz in his presentation of New Drugs on the Rise, exploring what other drugs are on the rise and could be the next epidemic.

    Nina French, President, Employer + Law Enforcement Solutions - Hound Labs, Inc.

Join Nina as she presents, Cannabis Legalization & The Future of THC Testing, helping employers navigate the complexities of cannabis laws and regulations, while also explaining how new legislation, recent scientific research, and program design provide the foundation for the future of cannabis testing.

    Bill Current, President and Founder - Current Consulting Group

Join Bill as he presents, Drug Testing Industry Update: Focus on CBD Oil & Marijuana, exploring what trends our experts are seeing and some potential headwinds the industry faces.

    Thomas Hafner, AVP Marketing and Communications – DISA Global Solutions

Join Thomas as he presents, Building a Culture of Safety in Your Workplace (Threats - Solutions - Policy), which includes a complete breakdown of industry threats, solutions for common challenges, and policy considerations you should be aware of when building a culture of safety in your workplace. This session will also include key insights into positivity rates since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Background Check

    Pam Devata, Labor and Employment Partner - Seyfarth Shaw

    Morgan Reynolds, Director, Governance and Risk/Legal Counsel - DISA Global Solutions

Join Pam and Morgan as they present a Background Industry Update, with a comprehensive overview of the background check industry.  Pam will also present an additional session on Background Check Litigation Avoidance Strategies, diving deep into litigation strategies for our current legal environment.

DOT/Transportation Compliance

    Dan Horvath, Vice President, Safety Policy - American Trucking Associations

Join Dan as he presents, ATA Safety Regulatory Update, touching on a variety of topics, including the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse and Drug testing, Hours of Service, COVID-19 regulatory impacts, Entry Level Drivers, and more!

    Gian Marshall and Barbara Baker, Clearinghouse Program Managers - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

Join Gian and Barbara as they present, an FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse 2022 Update, giving insight into the latest changes, regulations, and employer responsibilities/expectations for the year.

Occupational Health

    Kimberly Olszewski, President – (AAOHN) American Association of Occupational Health Nurses/DISA Global Solutions

    Brady Quarles, AVP, Industrial Sales - DISA Global Solutions

Join Kim and Brady as they present, an Occupational Health Industry Update and Outlook focusing on the significant shift the industry has seen in the past 12 months and where it’s headed now.

Other Noteworthy Sessions

    Colin Woods, General Manager, Industrials - DISA Global Solutions

Join Colin as he presents, 2022 Industrial Owner/Operator Survey & Solutions, identifying and discussing best practices for owner/operators that run large safety-sensitive facilities and want to ensure safer employee screening and management for their contractors. Colin will also present, One DISA - Overview of DISA’s Entire Product Suite, exploring a complete overview of our service line from top to bottom.

DISA Global Solutions aims to provide accurate and informative content for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The reader retains full responsibility for the use of the information contained herein. Always consult with a professional or legal expert.