Your search returned 1012 results
Connecticut Legalizes Recreational Cannabis
SB 1201 states that employers with five or more employees can prohibit smoking, electronic nicotine/cannabis delivery systems, and vapor products in any area of a business facility that they control.
DISA's Drug Test Calculator uses the historical 12-24 months of drug test data in safety-sensitive industries (Oil & Gas, Chemical, Industrial) to forecast the positivity rates for a company as they begin drug testing
How can an employer apply for the FMCSA Under-21 Non-Military Pilot Program?
"Currently, 49 states and the District of Columbia already allow 18 to 20-year-old CDL holders to operate CMVs in intrastate commerce—meaning under-21 drivers may currently drive within state borders, such as from Houston to El Paso or from Miami to Tallahassee
Can DISA report to the Clearinghouse for me?
Employers must designate DISA as their C/TPA in the Clearinghouse and let us know they want us to report on their behalf so we can update their settings in DISAWorks