ELD List - FMCSA Approved and Revoked Devices

Below is a comprehensive list of all registered and revoked ELDs. As mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), all ELDs must be self-certified by the manufacturer. Below, you'll find FMCSA's official list of registered ELDs, which have been verified to meet their stringent requirements.

Please note this list is not an endorsement for any electronic logging devices. Instead, the focus is on ensuring that every ELD in use meets the FMCSA's standards for safety and reliability.

Last Updated: March 10, 2025

Device Name
Software version
ELD Identifier

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ELDs have revolutionized the way that truck drivers operate on the road. By tracking service hours and ensuring compliance with industry regulations, ELDs provide an invaluable service to drivers and companies alike. It's important to note that all ELDs used by commercial drivers must be FMCSA-approved to ensure compliance with federal regulations.

There are many different types of ELDs available on the market, but they all share a common goal. Whether you're using an ELD to reduce the time spent logging hours on paper, save drive time and fuel costs, or allow dispatch to see a driver's status in real-time, you can count on the device to deliver reliable, accurate results.

At its core, an ELD is a device that connects to a commercial driver's engine and records hours of service while on the road. With all commercial drivers now required to implement the use of electronic logging devices, it's more important than ever to ensure that the device you choose is FMCSA-approved and meets all of the necessary safety and reliability standards. With our comprehensive list of registered and revoked ELDs, you can make an informed decision and choose the right device for your needs.