Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

DISA's Got Your Back!

Hey there! Life can sometimes throw us curveballs, and we want you to know that DISA is here to support you. We've set up an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help you and your loved ones navigate through tough times.

What's the EAP?

It's like having a personal helper on speed dial! When you reach out, you'll chat with a friendly professional (who doesn't work for DISA) ready to listen and help. They'll keep everything you share confidential and work with you to find solutions.

How Can EAP Help?

Whether it's personal stuff, work challenges, or anything in between, EAP's got you:

  • Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? They're there.
  • Need advice on family or relationships? They've got insights.
  • Legal or money questions? They can guide.
  • Want to lead a healthier lifestyle? They've got tips.
  • Navigating big life changes? They can help smooth the way.

Cool EAP Perks:

  • Call anytime, any day – they're available 24/7.
  • Chat face-to-face with a pro up to four times a year.
  • Get legal and financial advice, even tools for making a will.
  • Resources for managing finances, tackling addictions, and finding care for loved ones.

Need to Reach Out?

Just visit www.mutualofomaha.com/eap or give them a ring at 800-316-2796.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.