Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML)

Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2024

Welcome to DISA's family-first approach to leaves! Recognizing the significant life events our employees go through, we're proud to offer a Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) policy that starts on January 1, 2024.

Who’s Eligible?

U.S.- based DISA employees, salaried and hourly that meet the eligibility requirement of leave under the Family Medical leave Act (FMLA). Including a minimum of 1 year of service and worked 1,250 hours.

What You Get:

Up to 80 hours of paid leave, annually on a rolling calendar year. Ready to adjust for reduced work schedules or intermittent needs.

Do you have recurring doctor’s appointments, surgery, or a little one on the way? Just apply for FMLA, and once it's approved, you can request to use your PFML during that leave.

This benefit is a use-it-or-lose-it deal – no rollover, transfer, or cashing out unused hours.

How to Navigate It:

Need to tap into PFML? First, make sure your FMLA leave is approved through our third-party administrator, AbsencePro.

PFML is there to ensure you don’t lose out on income while you're out on leave, without exceeding your regular weekly pay.

Remember, if you're on leave, it's on you to keep up with your benefits payments. Falling behind by 30 days could put your coverage at risk.

Payment Considerations While on Leave:

If you qualify, you might be eligible for short-term or long-term disability benefits.

During unpaid leave, like the initial 7-day period, you should use any available PTO to keep up with your benefits payments.

On FMLA? You'll still enjoy the same group health benefits as if you were on the clock every day.

Your Responsibilities:

Your job is protected under FMLA and ADA, but remember, those leaves are unpaid. So, it’s up to you to use PTO, SPTO, or PFML to cover your share of benefits premiums.

If you’re out of paid leave options, you’ll need to send a check to DISA to keep your benefits active.

Let’s Keep It Simple:

Three ways to use your PFML: cover the unpaid week of STD, as a top-up to your STD payments, or to cover your benefits premiums.

If you decide to move on from DISA, any PFML hours you haven't used won't be paid out – they're simply forfeited.

Got more questions? Your HR Business Partner is ready to help!

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