Social Media

DISA's Guide to Social Media Use

We all love to stay connected and share our thoughts online. But when it comes to social media, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure we're representing DISA in the best light.

What's "Social Media" Anyway?

Think of platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, personal blogs, YouTube, and even new platforms that might pop up in the future. Basically, any online space where we chat, share, and connect with others.

Using Social Media at Work:

  • You can use DISA's equipment for social media if it's work-related and your manager gives the thumbs up.
  • Want to blog or maintain a personal website? Cool! Just do it on your own time and with your own equipment.
  • Remember to keep personal social media use to breaks, like lunchtime, so it doesn't distract from your awesome work.

Let's Keep It Positive!

We're all ambassadors for DISA, even when we're off the clock. So, avoid posting anything negative or insensitive that might link back to DISA. And definitely don't spill any company secrets or sensitive info online.

A Few More Things:

  • If you're chatting about DISA online, steer clear of sharing confidential stuff like client details, financials, or other inside info unless you've got the green light.
  • Just a heads up: We might check out how company devices and the internet are being used, including social media activity. It's all about keeping things safe and respectful.
  • If things go sideways with social media use, it could lead to some serious talks, and in extreme cases, saying goodbye.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.