Computer System Use

DISA's Guide to Using Our Tech Safely

We all rely on DISA's computer systems to get our work done. To keep everything running smoothly and safely, here's a quick guide on how to use our tech tools responsibly.

Why This Matters:

Using our systems the right way helps protect all of us, our partners, and DISA from risks like viruses, system breakdowns, and legal troubles.

Keep Client Data Safe:

If you're handling sensitive client info, don't save it on your workstation. Instead, store it in secure spots like encrypted file shares or databases.

Heads Up! We Might Check In:

Just so you know, we might occasionally monitor how our systems are being used. This includes checking out internet traffic or email content. It's all about keeping things secure!

See Something? Say Something:

If you spot anything fishy or think there might be a breach, let your manager, HR, or the Ethics Hotline know ASAP. If someone doesn't follow these guidelines, there might be consequences, including saying goodbye to DISA or even legal action.

Personal Use – The Do's and Don'ts:

You can use DISA's systems for some personal stuff, like checking social media. Just make sure it's all above board, doesn't get in the way of work, and doesn't hog system resources. And remember, it's best not to store personal files or photos on our systems.

No-Go Zones:

Here's what you should definitely avoid doing on our systems:

  • Anything illegal (that's a big no-no!)
  • Spending too much time just browsing the web
  • Sharing passwords or sensitive info with folks who shouldn't have it
  • Sending out ads or promos that aren't about DISA's business
  • Changing our tech resources without permission
  • Playing computer games or gambling
  • Sharing or checking out content that's inappropriate, harmful, or just not cool for the workplace.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.