Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

Revised: December 1, 2023

Here's the deal: We're all about keeping our workplace safe, healthy, and super productive. That's why we've set a rule to keep our space free from drugs and alcohol. We totally get that sometimes people struggle with substance abuse, and we want to be supportive. If you're facing this challenge, please come talk to us confidentially. We've got an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that's here to help you with evaluation and treatment, based on the plan's terms.

Let's talk about what's not cool at work: We need everyone to be sharp and unimpaired by illegal drugs, alcohol, or misused controlled substances. It's a big no-no to use, abuse, buy, sell, or even just have illegal drugs, drug gear, or alcohol on DISA premises, during work hours (even off-site), or when you're representing DISA. Illegal substances are basically anything that's restricted by law, messes with your job performance, or could be dangerous to people or stuff around you. This includes a whole list like alcohol, prescribed narcotics without a doctor's okay, illegal narcotics, hallucinogens, intoxicants, and even the equipment used with these substances.

Drug Testing: All our current and future team members have to follow our drug testing policy. The tests are done by a licensed lab, following all the government and other guidelines.

How it works: You'll give a sample to the lab, and they'll make sure your privacy is respected while keeping the test accurate and tamper-free. Test results are super confidential and only shared when absolutely necessary, or with your written consent, unless the law says otherwise. If someone refuses a test or tests positive, there might be some serious consequences, including the possibility of saying goodbye to DISA.

What we test for: We look for commonly abused substances like amphetamines, opiates, cannabinoids, cocaine, PCP, and their chemical cousins. We're also up-to-date with local, state, and national laws and guidelines, especially about marijuana.

Before You Start: As part of joining the DISA family, you'll need to take a pre-employment drug test after you get and accept a job offer. You can say no to the test, but that means you're also saying no to the job.

When We Might Test: We might ask you to take a test if there's a reasonable suspicion you're under the influence, if you're involved in an accident, or just at random times to keep our policy in check. If a test seems off, we might ask for a retest.

Getting Paid for Test Time: You'll be on the clock while taking these tests, so don't worry, you're getting paid for it.

Random Testing: To keep our workplace drug-free, we'll do random monthly tests. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected, thanks to a computer-based random generator.

Special Cases: For roles regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) or specific sites, there are extra rules you'll need to follow, which you can find on the DOT website or specific site guidelines.

What Happens if Rules are Broken: If anyone doesn't stick to these rules, it'll be treated like any other misconduct, and there could be serious consequences, including disciplinary action, losing your job, or even legal stuff.

Got Questions? If you're unsure about anything or need more info, your HR Business Partner is always there to help out.

Stay safe and let's keep our workplace awesome!

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.