Employee Illness Protocol Policy

Keeping DISA Healthy & Happy!

Our top priority is making sure everyone's safe and sound at work. Here's how we're doing it:

Keeping Things Clean 

  • We're making sure our workspace is squeaky clean, especially the spots we all touch a lot.
  • Help out by washing your hands often, using hand sanitizers we've placed around, and covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough.

Feeling Under the Weather? 

  • If you're not feeling great, it's best to stay home. We don't want any bugs spreading around!
  • If you've got symptoms like a fever, cough, or sore throat, please rest up at home. If you come in feeling sick, we might have to send you back home.

Work from Your Cozy Couch

  • If you're a bit sick but still up for work, chat with your manager. You might be able to work from home if your job allows it.

Sometimes, We'll Need a Doctor's Note 

  • If you're out because you're ill, we might ask for some info from your doctor. It's just to make sure everything's okay and that you're ready to jump back into work when you return.

Your Health Info is Top Secret 

  • Any medical info you share stays between us. We'll only share it in special cases, like with safety folks or if the law says we have to.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.