Bonus Policies

Bonuses at DISA

At DISA, we believe in celebrating our collective achievements and sharing the rewards. That's why we're excited to offer a bonus program tailored to our diverse team. While specific roles like sales have unique performance-related bonuses, the majority of our employees are part of our EBITDA bonus program, which is intricately linked to the company's overall success.

The EBITDA Bonus Plan

Purpose: This plan seamlessly connects employee incentives with DISA's overarching accomplishments.


If you’re on board as a full-timer, not aligned with any other specific bonus framework, and part of our family before October 1st of the plan year, welcome to the EBITDA bonus plan! There are specific conditions around leave periods that can influence your eligibility, although legal exceptions are in place.

Criteria & Payouts:

Those on a salary can anticipate a neat $1,200, whereas our hourly dynamos can expect 3% of eligible earnings or a minimum of $1,200.

Please remember performance evaluations and Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) have a say in whether you're in the bonus mix.

Payment Nitty-Gritty:

Every bonus undergoes review and endorsement by the DISA Compensation Committee. Once the company's annual financial sheets are sorted, your bonus heads your way, with standard tax deductions applied. If there are retrospective tweaks to the financials post-bonus distribution, there might be some adjustments to the disbursed amount.

Nature of the Plan & Future Adjustments:

Though we’re committed, the EBITDA bonus scheme remains discretionary. This means modifications or discontinuation are possibilities. Also, being part of this doesn’t alter your employment conditions.

More Questions?

For any details or questions about the bonus plan, you're invited to touch base with your DISA HR Business Partner.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.