Code of Conduct

DISA's Code of Conduct

History and Culture of DISA:

For over three decades, DISA Global Solutions, Inc. has been a beacon in workplace safety services, driven by its core values. These values have not only shaped its past but also chart its future trajectory. Central to DISA's ethos is a culture of teamwork and mutual respect. Every individual is a valued member of this collective, bringing their unique experiences to the table and acting with unwavering integrity.

Doing Business with Integrity:

The Code of Conduct is a testament to DISA's commitment to ethical behavior. Every team member is expected to uphold and champion the values enshrined in the Code. This commitment extends to leading by example and ensuring that business practices are transparent and above board. Furthermore, DISA firmly believes in fostering an environment where employees can voice concerns without fear. As such, there is a strict no-retaliation policy in place, ensuring that individuals who report violations face no adverse consequences.

Competing Fairly and Ethically:

In the business arena, DISA is a staunch advocate of fair competition, adhering strictly to U.S. antitrust laws. The company believes in a level playing field, ensuring that no agreements or practices diminish the spirit of healthy competition.

Our Stance Against Corruption:

Corruption finds no foothold at DISA. The company has clear guidelines on interactions with foreign officials and a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery. Every employee is expected to act with the utmost integrity, ensuring that business advantages are gained ethically.

Integrity in Our Workplace and Community:

Workplace integrity is a cornerstone of DISA's Code. The company celebrates its diverse workforce and is an unwavering advocate for equal opportunity. Harassment and discrimination are antithetical to DISA's values. Moreover, the health and safety of its employees are paramount, with a strong emphasis on a drug-free environment and sustainable practices.

Corporate Responsibility:

DISA's sense of corporate responsibility shines through in its stance against child labor and its commitment to human rights. Data privacy is another area where the company's commitment is evident, with stringent guidelines on internet usage, email security, and data handling. Financial transparency is non-negotiable, with all employees urged to maintain accurate records. In the realm of digital communication, while DISA recognizes the power of social media, it expects all posts to be in alignment with its core values.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.