Dress Code & Grooming

Dress Smart, Feel Good at DISA!

At DISA, we want you to feel comfortable and confident while also looking professional. Here's a quick guide on how to strike that balance:

The Basics:

  • Dress for your day! Casual outfits are great for most of our offices. If you're at a service center, you might need to rock some scrubs.
  • Let's keep our outfits neat, clean, and professional. If it might harm our safety, teamwork, or the awesome reputation of DISA, it's probably best left at home.
  • For those of you meeting the public (like our Specimen Collectors), there might be some specific dress codes to follow. Sometimes, this means wearing scrubs.

Personal Care:

  • Freshness matters! Let's all practice good personal hygiene.
  • Got piercings? Cool! Just make sure they're safe and not too out-there.
  • Tattoos are awesome, but let's keep the extremist, indecent, sexist, or racist ones covered up. Some departments might have specific rules about visible tattoos, especially if you're interacting with clients.

What to Wear (and What Not to):

  • Keep it clean and tidy! Whether it's a shirt, pants, or a dress, make sure it's neat and covers everything it should.
  • Got a fun shirt with pictures or comments? Save it for the weekend. We want to make sure no one feels uncomfortable.
  • Let's skip the super tight or revealing outfits.
  • Shorts and sweat suits? Not the best choice for the office.
  • Jeans? Absolutely! Just make sure they're clean and in good shape.
  • Shoes should be safe (thanks, OSHA!) and look neat. Flip flops are a no-go.
  • Some of us might have a standard uniform. If that's you, wear it with pride!
  • If you're representing DISA at a customer site or event, let's go for professional business attire. Think about the event and dress to impress!

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.