Employee Standards

Basic Rules

How We Roll at DISA:

At DISA, we're all about creating a safe, productive, and positive environment. We've got some basic rules to help us do just that. If someone doesn't play by the rules, we might need to chat, and in some cases, it could lead to more serious actions. Remember, this list isn't exhaustive, and we always expect everyone to act in the best interest of our DISA family.

Things We Just Don't Do:

  • Taking stuff that isn't yours, whether it's from the company or your colleagues.
  • Roughhousing, goofing off, or getting into fights at work. Let's keep it professional!
  • Spreading mean rumors or causing drama. We're all in this together.
  • Ignoring safety rules. Safety first, always!
  • Going against our policies on things like solicitation or visitors.
  • Slacking off, sleeping on the job, or just hanging around when there's work to do.
  • Committing serious crimes outside of work that might harm our reputation or safety.
  • Shining Bright with Customers and the Public:
  • We're known for being super friendly and helpful. Let's keep it that way! Your interactions with colleagues, customers, and everyone else should always be top-notch. Our reputation is in your hands, so let's make sure we're always at our best.

Things to Remember:

  • Always be professional, even when things get tough.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest and always act with integrity.
  • And please, no rude behavior, like hanging up on someone or using inappropriate language.
  • Lastly, we don't accept gifts or tips from customers or clients. It's just our policy.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.