Emergency Events and Facility Closures

DISA’s Emergency Events and Facility Closures Policy

Effective Date: October 5, 2023

Handling the Unexpected:

At DISA, we understand that emergencies can arise without warning. Whether it’s a sudden facility closure or a local emergency that prevents you from coming to work, we’ve put together guidelines to help navigate these unpredictable situations.

Temporary Facility Closures:

If an unexpected closure occurs:

        If you can work remotely, you are expected to do so and will be paid as usual.

        If remote work isn’t possible, you may still receive your regular pay for the closure day at the company’s discretion. Management can approve up to 8 hours of Emergency Pay for that day, which won’t count towards overtime.

When You Can’t Get to Work:

If our facilities are open, but you can’t safely get to work due to a local emergency:

        Use your judgment to stay safe and notify your supervisor as soon as possible.

        You might be able to work remotely for the time being.

        In some local emergency situations, management in coordination with HR might approve Emergency Pay for up to 8 hours per day.

Emergency Pay Details:

        Management can approve up to 8 hours of Emergency Pay per day for each employee, with a maximum of 40 hours per emergency event.

Requesting Emergency Pay:

        If you need Emergency Pay, inform your manager and HR Business Partner promptly.

        DISA may ask for verification of the emergency, such as a local news or weather report.

Long-Term or Permanent Closures:

        If a facility closes for an extended period or permanently, employees might be transferred, asked to work remotely, furloughed, or laid off.

Policy Violations:

        Violations of this policy will be treated seriously and may result in disciplinary action, termination of employment, or legal action according to the applicable laws and agreements.

Need Help?

        If you have any questions about this policy, reach out to your HR Business Partner.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.