Employee Records

Your DISA File: All About You!

Our HR buddies are the keepers of our personal records here at DISA. They make sure everything's up-to-date and in tip-top shape. Here's a quick lowdown on how it all works:

What's in Your File?

  • All your current work details.
  • Medical and benefits stuff (they're kept separately, thanks to the Americans with Disability Act).

Keeping Things Fresh 

Life changes, and so do our details! If anything changes in your world (like a new address or phone number), give HR a shout so they can update your file. This helps make sure your pay and benefits are spot on.

Privacy First! 

Your records are like a secret diary. Only folks who really need to see them (for work reasons) and have the green light will get a peek.

Want a Look? 

Curious about what's in your file? No worries! You can always check out your own records.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.