Corrective Action & Investigation

DISA's Investigations and Corrective Actions Policy

Internal Probes:

At DISA, maintaining a safe, transparent, and accountable work environment is crucial. Occasionally, internal investigations are initiated either by the Human Resources team or in response to a report by an employee. If you choose to report, you can be open about it or remain anonymous. We value confidentiality and will keep your details confidential as much as possible. However, some information may need to be shared to ensure a comprehensive and fair investigation process.

Taking Corrective Measures:

When a potential breach of our policies is identified, we'll look into it. This could involve examining electronic records, inspecting company-owned assets, or even reviewing video footage. Remember, our goal is to uphold the standards of our workplace.

We believe in giving everyone a fair chance, and that's reflected in our progressive discipline system:

  1. Documented Verbal Warning: A chat with your supervisor, discussing the issue and the expected changes.
  2. Written Warning: If the problem persists, or for more severe issues, you'll get a formal written warning, clarifying the problem and the expected resolution.
  3. Termination: If the issues continue or in the most severe cases, it might be necessary to end the employment relationship.

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):

We believe in growth and learning. If you receive a verbal warning, it may be followed by a PIP. This plan will clearly outline the areas of improvement and the steps you need to take. If the outlined changes aren't seen within the specified time frame, further actions, including possible termination, might be considered.

Exceptions to Progressive Discipline:

There are some serious violations where immediate action is essential. Any illegal behavior, theft, substance misuse, violence, or similar severe actions in the workplace may lead to instant termination and possibly reporting to law enforcement.

Documentation is Key:

Transparency is critical. Any step taken in the discipline process will be documented. You'll receive copies, and we'd appreciate it if you could sign them, indicating you're aware and understand the outlined actions. All these records will be stored in your official personnel file for future reference.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.