Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Policy

Respectful and Kind Environment

We want to chat about creating a positive and respectful work environment for everyone. Here's the lowdown:

Let's Keep It Positive!

We're all about respect and kindness. That means no bullying or harassment of any kind. Whether it's a joke, comment, or even a gesture, if it's hurtful or offensive, it's a no-go.

Using Social Media and Tech:

Feel free to use our equipment for work-related stuff. But remember, we might take a peek to make sure everything's on the up-and-up. So, let's keep it professional and avoid sharing any sensitive company info.

What's Not Cool:

  • Making fun of someone or intimidating them.
  • Sharing inappropriate pictures or comments.
  • Anything that makes someone feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

If You See Something, Say Something:

If you experience or see anything that doesn't feel right, please let your supervisor or HR know. We're here to help and make sure everyone feels safe and respected.

What Happens Next:

We take every report seriously. We'll look into it and make sure everyone involved is treated fairly. And don't worry, you won't face any backlash for speaking up.

Got Concerns? We're All Ears!

We've set up a hotline and website where you can share your thoughts or concerns anytime, day or night.

The contact details can be found on our Ethics Hotline information page.

Remember, we're all in this together. Let's look out for one another and make DISA a great place to work!

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.