Canada Vacation Time

Basic Rules

It’s time to talk about that precious time of year we all look forward to – your vacation! Here at DISA, we want to ensure you’re well-rested and can enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

Earning Your Vacation Time:

  • Your vacation kicks in after you’ve completed each year of employment.
  • If you haven't hit your one-year mark by the end of the vacation entitlement year, you’ll get a pro-rated break, calculated following the Employment Standards Act (ESA).
  • Remember, you’ve got to use your vacation within each entitlement year, as the ESA doesn’t allow for carryovers.

What’s in Your Vacation Wallet?

  • Been with us for less than five years? You’ll earn vacation pay at 4% of your wages.
  • Crossed the five-year threshold but not yet hit ten? That goes up to 6%.
  • And for the seasoned DISA crew of over ten years, you’re looking at a cool 8%.

Planning Your Getaway:

  • You’ve got 12 months after your vacation entitlement year to use your vacation time.
  • Before you start packing, make sure your manager gives the thumbs up. We can't guarantee every request, but we’ll do our best.
  • For those times when operations might be impacted, the manager’s call on vacation approvals will be based on what DISA needs to keep things smooth.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Managers, you’re the vacation gatekeepers. It’s up to you to approve, track, and coordinate with Payroll on any vacation time changes.
  • Payroll pals, your mission is to ensure vacation pay hits bank accounts reliably and according to the policy.

Vacation Pay Details:

  • Vacation pay will be part of the scheduled payroll.
  • Want that vacation pay without taking time off? Just give us a two-week heads-up before the pay period begins.

If You’re Leaving Us:

Should you decide to part ways, any vacation time you’ve racked up but haven’t taken will be paid out on your final paycheck.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.