Civic Responsibility Leave

Jury Duty & Voting

Effective Date: August 29, 2024

Supporting Your Civic Duties:

At DISA, we believe in the importance of being active participants in our civic duties. As a responsible corporate citizen, we support and encourage you to fulfill your responsibilities to the community. Whether it’s voting, serving on a jury, or appearing as a witness in court, we’re here to help you take care of business.


We encourage all employees to exercise their voting rights in local, state, and national elections. Ideally, you’ll vote before or after work, but if that’s not possible, you can take up to two hours of paid time off during regular business hours to cast your vote. Just give your supervisor a heads-up at least one day in advance, and remember—no one will face retaliation for taking time off to vote.

Jury Duty:

If you’re called to serve on a jury, we have your back. DISA will give you leave for the full duration of your jury duty, no matter how long it lasts. We’ll even pay you up to a maximum of 80 hours (or 10 business days) of Civic Responsibility Leave within a rolling 12-month period. Simply notify your supervisor within 48 hours of receiving your jury summons, and provide them with a copy of your summons before your leave starts. Once you’re back at work, don’t forget to bring certification from the court showing the time you served.

Court Appearances as a Witness:

If you’re summoned to appear as a witness in court, you’re also eligible for Civic Responsibility Leave. You’ll follow the same process as for jury duty: notify your supervisor within 48 hours of receiving your summons, provide a copy of the summons, and bring proof of attendance once you’re done testifying. We’ll provide paid leave up to the Civic Responsibility Leave limit.

Leave Limits:

While there’s no cap on unpaid Civic Responsibility Leave, the maximum amount of paid leave you can take is 80 hours (10 business days) within a rolling 12-month period. Civic Responsibility Leave won’t count toward overtime.

Stay in the Clear:

Violations of this policy will be taken seriously, just like any other misconduct. Consequences could range from disciplinary action to termination, depending on the situation.

Got Questions?

If you’re unsure about anything related to Civic Responsibility Leave, reach out to your HR Business Partner. We’re here to help!

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Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.