Scholarships & Sponsorships

DISA's Commitment to Community and Excellence

Fostering a Sense of Community

At DISA, our commitment extends beyond the boundaries of our organization. We believe in nurturing talent, supporting worthy causes, and fostering a sense of community. Our scholarships and sponsorships are a testament to this commitment, reflecting our dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of many.

We do this across three channels:

1) SOE "DISA Loves Our Communities" Campaign

2) The Melissa Linville Criminal Justice Scholarship

3) Championing Employee-Driven Causes

"DISA Loves Our Communities" Campaign

The "Summer of Excellence" campaign is a celebration of causes that resonate deeply with our employees. Each summer, we set aside a generous sum of $20,000, earmarked for charities that make a difference in our communities and beyond.

What makes this initiative truly special is the active involvement of our team members. Employees from across DISA are invited to nominate charities close to their hearts. Once nominations are in, the entire DISA family casts their votes, determining which organizations will receive our support.

"DISA Loves Our Communities" Campaign

Recent Beneficiaries:

The overwhelming response and participation from our team members have led to the support of diverse causes over the years. After employees voted, we saw these five charities receive $4,000 each in 2023:

  • The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): A leading voice for animals, advocating for their protection and welfare.
  • Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation: Dedicated to finding cures and improving patient care for children with cardiomyopathy.
  • Children's Burn Foundation: Providing support for child burn survivors, including medical care, emotional recovery, and educational services.
  • Alliance of Therapy Dogs: Enhancing the lives of individuals through therapeutic dog visits.
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Committed to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.

At DISA, we understand the importance of supporting causes that resonate with our team members on a personal level. The heartfelt stories and connections our employees share about these charities inspire us to focus our philanthropic efforts where they matter most.

Each year, we look forward to discovering new charities, hearing more inspiring stories from our team, and continuing our tradition of giving back.

The Melissa Linville Criminal Justice Scholarships

This annual scholarship is named in memory of Melissa M. Linville, a cherished member of the Crimcheck team. Melissa's legacy is one of charity, good works, and selflessness. Throughout her life, she touched countless lives with her service, compassion, and the genuine joy she brought to everyone around her. This scholarship seeks to extend her legacy, fostering the same spirit of service and dedication in future criminal justice professionals.

Scholarship Details

Every year, DISA will proudly offer a $1,000 scholarship award to two deserving students. Established in 2014, this award recognizes:

  • Outstanding achievements in academics.
  • A genuine desire to make a positive difference in the world.
  • Ambition and passion for the criminal justice field.

Eligibility Criteria

To ensure the scholarship reaches those who are truly dedicated to the field of criminal justice, we have set specific eligibility criteria:

  • Students currently enrolled in post-secondary education or recent high school graduates pursuing further education in the criminal justice field.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Enrollment as a full-time or part-time student for the current year.

Application Process

Applicants are required to showcase their passion, knowledge, and commitment to the criminal justice field. The application must include:

  • Personal details: name, email, and phone number.
  • Transcript as proof of enrollment.
  • A 1-2 page essay detailing the applicant’s ambition in the criminal justice field, reasons for choosing this career path, and how the scholarship will help achieve their long-term goals.

2023 fall scholarships have closed at this time.
2024 fall scholarships must be submitted to by August 1, 2024

Over the years, the Melissa Linville Criminal Justice Scholarship has supported numerous students, aiding them in their academic pursuits and helping them get closer to their dream careers in criminal justice. We are proud to play a part in their journey and look forward to continuing this tradition of support and encouragement. The Melissa Linville Criminal Justice Scholarship is more than financial aid; it's a commitment to nurturing talent, honoring Melissa's legacy, and shaping the future of the criminal justice field.

Championing Employee-Driven Causes

At DISA, our dedication to community engagement and positive impact is evident in our robust community sponsorship program. We believe in the power of collective action and the ripple effect that even small contributions can create in the larger community.

Central to our sponsorship ethos is the belief in championing causes that our employees are passionate about. We understand that our team members are deeply connected to their communities, and through our sponsorships, we aim to support and amplify these connections.

Every year, DISA sponsors a diverse range of activities and causes. From charity events to local sports teams, our goal is to make a meaningful impact and support initiatives that resonate with our team members and the broader community.

Sponsorship Guidelines

To ensure fairness and a broad distribution of support, we've established clear guidelines:

  • Frequency: DISA sponsors one event per quarter, ensuring a spread of support throughout the year.
  • Rotation: To ensure diverse causes receive our support, we won't sponsor the same employee/event/charity/group again for a 2-year period.
  • Relevance: The sponsorship should be related to the industries we service, such as drug testing, oil & gas, or resonate with our customer base or local community.
  • Neutrality: We will only support sponsorships that are neutral and non-divisive. For instance, we wouldn't sponsor a political event or a company promoting tobacco or alcohol. Instead, we look for positive branding opportunities.

How to Apply

Employees who want to inquire about DISA sponsoring a local cause or event near to their heart can complete the submission form below. A committee will review the request, vet each request, and in following with the guidelines above .

DISA's community sponsorships reflect our commitment to community engagement, employee empowerment, and positive impact. Together, we aim to make a difference, one sponsorship at a time.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.