Sick Paid Time Off (SPTO)

Sick Paid Time Off (SPTO) Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2024

Hey there, DISA team member! We know how essential it is to have some downtime, especially when you or a loved one isn't feeling up to par. That's why we've created our Sick Paid Time Off (SPTO) policy just for you.

Starting from January 1, 2024, if you're a DISA employee based in the U.S. and are paid on an hourly or non-exempt basis, this policy's for you! However, if you're on a salary, exempt, or are working outside the U.S., this policy won't apply.

So, what's the deal? Each year, we'll give you a fresh set of 40 SPTO hours. This is on top of any Personal Paid Time Off (PPTO) you might have. But remember, these hours don't roll over to the next year. And if you're new around here, don't worry! You'll get a portion of those 40 hours based on when you joined. Part-timers, your hours will be adjusted according to your working schedule.

Now, for the nitty-gritty: You can use your SPTO for sickness, medical appointments, or even public health emergencies, for both you and your family. If you're planning to be away, give us a heads up 10 business days in advance. For those unexpected sick days, let your supervisor know before your shift starts. In case of hospitalizations, a call to your HR Business Partner is also needed.

We trust you, but sometimes we might need a note from your doc. This is especially true for longer sicknesses, the days around holidays or PPTO, or during public emergencies. Just remember, these SPTO hours are paid just like your regular hours but won't add up for overtime. And if you ever decide to part ways with DISA, these hours aren't cashed out.

Lastly, if you're ever uncertain or need clarity, our HR Business Partners are here for you. Let's work together, stay healthy, and make the most of our time at DISA!

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.