Attendance and Punctuality

Your presence and hard work make a big difference!

Reliability is Key:

At DISA, we chose you because we believe in your talent and dedication. Your consistent presence is not just valued; it's crucial. Being regular and on time isn't just a courtesy; it's a core aspect of your job performance, impacting everything from team dynamics to career progression.

When You Can’t Make It:

Life happens. We get it. If you're going to be late or absent for reasons like illness or other urgent matters, a quick call to your supervisor before work begins is needed. If you're out for more than a day, keep us in the loop daily.


Going AWOL for one or more days without a heads-up? That's a no-go and might lead to disciplinary actions.

Excessive Absences:

Here's the deal: more than two no-shows in a month, or eight in a year, and we may have to say goodbye. Remember, if you can't call in sick yourself, someone else can do it for you.

  • Ill for three days straight? We'll need a doctor's note and a thumbs-up that you're ready to return.
  • For each absence, you should be using your SPTO or PTO unless there's a specific policy that says otherwise.
  • Regularly late or leaving early? That could lead to a serious sit-down, even if you've given us a heads-up.

Excused vs. Unexcused:

Need time off? Plan ahead, request through Dayforce, and make sure your PTO can cover it. That's an excused absence. Fall short on these steps, and it's unexcused.


Punctuality is the norm. Tardy or need to leave early? A prompt notice to your supervisor is essential.

Job Abandonment:

Disappear for three days without a word, and we'll have to assume you've moved on, ending our employment relationship.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.