Work Week & Hours of Work

Meal Breaks and Overtime

Let's chat about meal breaks and overtime. We want to make sure you're clear on how things work around here:

Meal Breaks:

  • Everyone gets a meal break! How long? It depends on your role and where you're located. If you're unsure, just ask your Supervisor or HR.
  • If you're a non-exempt employee, remember to clock out and back in for your break.
  • Planning to work through your meal break? You'll need your manager's okay first. And if you do any work during that time, we'll make sure you're paid for it.

Overtime 101:

  • Sometimes, we might need you to work a bit longer than usual. If you're a non-exempt employee, you'll get paid 1.5 times your regular rate for any hours over 40 in a week in the US and over 44 hours in Canada.
  • Heads up: If you're an exempt employee, the overtime rules don't apply to you.
  • Thinking of doing overtime? Get your supervisor or manager's green light first. Working OT without approval? That's a no-no and could lead to some serious talks.
  • We'll always try to let you know in advance if OT is needed, but sometimes it might be last minute.
  • Report any overtime in our timekeeping system, and you'll see it in your paycheck.
  • When we calculate overtime, we only count the actual hours you worked. So, holidays, vacations, or other leaves don't count towards it.
  • And nope, we don't offer time off instead of overtime pay.

State-Specific Stuff:

Different states might have their own rules about meal breaks and overtime. Check out our handbook for the nitty-gritty details for your location.

Thanks for all you do, and if you have any questions, just ask! We're here to help.

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Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.