Outside Employment

Balancing DISA and Other Jobs

We understand that sometimes life's demands might mean you're considering another job alongside your role at DISA. That's okay! But let's make sure we're all on the same page about it:

The Basics:

  • It's cool if you want to take up another job, but let's make sure it doesn't clash with your responsibilities here at DISA.
  • If your other job is similar to what we do at DISA or involves our customers, that's a no-go. Also, please don't use our tools or share our secrets for outside work.
  • Remember, you shouldn't be handling outside business during your DISA work hours.

Thinking of Taking Another Job? Consider This:

  • Think about the extra hours and energy. Will it affect your performance here? Remember, being tired or busy from another job won't be an excuse for not being at your best at DISA.
  • If your other job starts affecting your work here – like being late, missing days, or not being available when we need you – we'll have to chat about it, just like we would for any other work-related issue.

Conflicts of Interest:

  • If your other job might cause a conflict with DISA's interests or could negatively impact us, we'll need you to rethink that role. We've got more details on this in our Code of Conduct's Conflict-of-Interest Policy.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.