Advance Personal Paid Time Off (PPTO) Repayment

DISA's Advanced Personal Paid Time Off (PPTO) Repayment Policy

Taking Time When You Need It Most:

We at DISA understand that sometimes, you need a break before you've accrued enough Paid Time Off (PPTO). That's why we offer the option to request an advance on your PPTO. This means if you need to take more time off than you've earned so far, we've got you covered when making a request!

Here’s How It Works:

  • Simply fill out a request for the specific number of additional PPTO hours you need, calculated at your current pay rate.
  • In the spirit of mutual trust and understanding, you agree that if you end up leaving DISA—whether you're moving on to new horizons, or if we have to part ways—you're committed to repaying any of the advanced PPTO that you haven’t yet accrued.
  • Remember, submitting a request to your manager is not a guarantee of approval.
  • To make things simple, this repayment can be done by deductions from your final paycheck or any commission checks that might be pending at the time you leave.

The Nitty-Gritty:

  • Download and fill out the authorization form with the number of hours and the equivalent monetary value.
  • If you part ways with us before you've 'earned back' this time, you agree to repay the balance.
  • By signing the form, you also allow DISA to make necessary deductions from your final paycheck or future commissions.
  • Submitting this request is not a guarantee of approval.

A Binding Agreement:

  • Remember, this is a commitment. When you sign the authorization, it's a promise that you understand and agree to these terms.

One Team, One Future, One DISA

Together, we strive for excellence, united in our vision to be the best.